AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Ethereal Drive Passive - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Rising Anger Skill - -
Flaming Judgment Skill - -
Excitement Skill - -
Fiery Apparition Skill - -
Cleansing Fire Skill - -
Stoked Flames Skill - -
Overheat Passive - -
Fuel the Blaze Skill - -
Cauterizing Flame Skill Magic Magical
Purging Flames Skill Magic Magical
Ignis Fuego Skill Magic Magical
Damnation of Helios Skill Magic Magical
Sensational!! Additional - -
Scorching by the Shore Passive - -
Memento Buff Passive - -
Divine Shelter Passive - -
Magic Blade Release Passive - -
Historia Summer Time Passive - -
More Femme Fatales ?!? Passive - -
Wanderer's Goal Passive - -
Extreme Volleyball Passive - -
[Intense Match] Adrenaline Passive - -
[Intense Match] Adrenaline Passive - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Elizaball Item - -
Intense Spike Skill Missile Physical
Shadow Jump Passive - -
Wanderer's Goal Passive - -
Scholar's Robe Skill Item - -
Emrys Basic Attack Attack Magic Magical
Emrys Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Frost Shard Skill Magic Magical
Cold Snap Skill Magic Magical
Hailstorm Skill Magic Magical
Chains of the Void Skill - -
Umbra of the Abyss Skill - -
Abyssal Rift Skill - -
[Zheng Yi] Gate of Greed Passive - -
Execution Stance Skill - -
Zephyr Slash Skill Slash Physical
Deep and Dreamless Purgatory Skill Slash Physical
Heartbreaking Evisceration Skill Slash Physical
Gale Shear Skill Slash Physical
Tempest Slash Skill Slash Physical
Enthralling Deflection Reaction Slash Physical
Transcended Bladework Passive - -
Elaborate Kimono Item - -