AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Bloody Shine Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Darkness Skill Magic Magical
Physical Evasion Reaction - -
Magical Evasion Reaction - -
Improved Evasion Reaction - -
Evade Everything Excluding Strike Passive - -
Evade Everything Excluding Missile Passive - -
Evade Everything Excluding Slash Passive - -
Evade Everything Excluding Magic Passive - -
Evade Everything Excluding Pierce Passive - -
Knockback Res Down Passive - -
Descent of 1000 Nights Skill Jump Physical
Thousand Nights Skill Pierce Physical
Greatly Raises All Stats Skill - -
Countdown (Clear by defeating Time Ratty) Skill - -
Countdown 2 (Swiftly defeat the enemies!) Skill - -
Explosion☆Squeak (Diamond 9) Reaction - -
Explosion☆Squeak (Square 7) Reaction - -
Explosion☆Squeak (Dmg to ally units) Skill - -
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
[Gato] Gate of Greed Passive - -
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Poison Status (Quest ends when HP drops to 0) Passive - -
Death Sentence Status (Quest ends when HP drops to 0) Passive - -
Kill Bonus Skill - -
Happy New Year☆Squeak Skill - -
6 Kills! Skill - -
12 Kills! Skill - -
Kill Bonus Skill - -
Defeated All Enemies! Skill - -
Evil Sword Skill Slash Physical
Self-Destruct Reaction - -
[Normal Attack] Push Eldritch Attack Missile Physical
Eldritch Ultrablast Skill Missile Physical
Eldritch Ultrablast Skill Missile Physical
Eldritch Whistle Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Eldritch Ultrablast Skill Missile Physical
Eldritch Ultrablast Skill Missile Physical
Eldritch Ultrablast Skill Missile Physical