AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
無鉄砲支援 Passive - -
歌の力 Passive - -
Raging Fire's Genius Passive - -
震わせる音 Passive - -
妖精の囁き Skill - -
妖精の囁き Skill - -
限界到達ボーナス Skill - -
限界到達ボーナス Skill - -
[Memento] Seida Memento Stats Passive - -
The Miracle of Saga Passive - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Holy Guard's Lightning Flash Passive - -
Efficient Heresy Passive - -
Pride of the Alize People Passive - -
Godwolf Fang Skill Missile Physical
Godwolf Fang Skill Missile Physical
Gate of Gluttony Passive - -
Guardian Impulse Skill Missile Physical
Fresh Wind's Inspiration Skill - -
Fresh Wind's Inspiration Skill - -
Seida Memento Stats Item - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
[Memento] Laila Memento Stats Passive - -
Gluttony Foss High Magic Passive - -
[Memento] Zehn Memento Stats Passive - -
Successor of the Stars Passive - -
Twin Radiance Passive - -
Blossom of Grandeur Passive - -
Piping Hot Eclair Skill - -
Piping Hot Eclair Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Ace of Lost Blue Passive - -
Rebellious Templar Passive - -
Live by the Blade Passive - -
Moondrop Mirage Skill Slash Physical
Moondrop Mirage Skill Slash Physical
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Cut of Void Skill - -
Zehn Memento Stats Item - -
[Memento] Leoniaz Memento Stats Passive - -
Envylia’s Immense Strength Passive - -
Majesty of the Royal Knights Passive - -
Roaring Success Passive - -
Lion's Dignity Passive - -
[Memento] World Made of Passion Memento Stats Item - -
Wratharis's Rigidness Passive - -
Coup Droit of Purity Skill Pierce Physical
Coup Droit of Purity Skill Pierce Physical