AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Survivor's Boon Skill - -
Memento Buff Passive - -
Frigid Breeze Group Skill Passive - -
Glacial Lineage Group Skill Passive - -
Glacial Impact Skill Special Physical
Glacial Impact Skill Special Physical
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Slothstein's Efficiency Passive - -
Reload Skill - -
Winter Wanderers Passive - -
White Valentine Passive - -
Plasma Vortex Skill Missile Physical
Plasma Vortex Skill Missile Physical
Tidal Strike Skill Strike Physical
Experimental Armament Stats Item - -
Memento Buff Passive - -
Stars of Lustburg Passive - -
Makers of Mischief Passive - -
Alchemia Amok Passive - -
Youthful Vitality Passive - -
Youthful Vitality Passive - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Savant Basic Atk Attack Strike Physical
Flame King's Amulet Item - -
Experimental Serum XV28 Stats Item - -
Energy Burst! Skill - -
Memento Buff Passive - -
Lustburg's Protection Passive - -
Challengers of Fate Passive - -
Mystic Flame Passive - -
Marshal of Ambition Passive - -
Li Wang Basic Attack Attack Slash Physical
Li Wang Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Marshal of Ambition Passive - -
Frozen Phantasia Skill Magic Magical
Freeze Counter Reaction - -
Scholar's Arts Passive - -
[Emrys] Gate of Envy Passive - -
[Emrys] Gate of Sloth Passive - -
[Emrys] Gate of Lust Passive - -
[Emrys] Gate of Gluttony Passive - -
[Emrys] Gate of Greed Passive - -
[Emrys] Gate of Pride Passive - -
Gate of Envy Passive - -
Gate of Gluttony Passive - -
Gate of Wrath Passive - -
Frost Charge Passive - -
Wall of Blades Skill Slash Physical