AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Cryptic Advantage Passive - -
Obbligato Magic Passive - -
Magical Armament+ Passive - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Cascading Track Skill Slash Physical
Cascading Track Skill Slash Physical
Evelika Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
System of Defense Skill - -
System of Defense Skill - -
[Memento] Tamamo's Memento Stats Passive - -
Wadatsumi's Demonic Defense Passive - -
Shrine of Spirits Passive - -
Kuzunoha Power Passive - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Unhappy Rain Skill Missile Physical
Thunderer's Boon Passive - -
Unhappy Rain Skill Missile Physical
Tamamo Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Promise for the Autumn Moon Skill - -
Kinship Between Twins Passive - -
Void Frost Passive - -
Penalty of Ice Skill Magic Magical
Penalty of Ice Skill Magic Magical
Penalty of Ice Skill Magic Magical
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Space-Time Manipulator - Azure Wings Skill Magic Magical
Space-Time Manipulator - Azure Wings Skill Magic Magical
Vanishing Speed Skill - -
Equipment Effect Item - -
Elizabeth Gear 4★ Item - -
Elizabeth Gear 5★ Item - -
Light of Convalescence Skill - -
Escanor Gear 2-4★ Item - -
Escanor Gear 5AS★ Item - -
Pride Flare Skill Magic Magical
Merlin Gear 2-4★ Item - -
Merlin Gear 5★ Item - -
Merlin Gear 5AS★ Item - -
Thunderer's Boon Passive - -
Endless Whirl Skill Magic Magical
Deadly Sins Paid Memento Item - -
Ale Energy Skill - -
Zeldris Gear 2-4★ Item - -
Zeldris Gear 5★ Item - -
Zeldris Gear 5AS★ Item - -
[Logi] Gate of Envy Passive - -
[Logi] Gate of Sloth Passive - -
[Logi] Gate of Lust Passive - -