AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Shaman's Oracle Passive - -
Babel's Dragoon Passive - -
Embodiment of Justice Passive - -
Fickle Phantom Scent Passive - -
Gate of Wrath Passive - -
Protector's Iron Barrier Passive - -
Sovereign Power Passive - -
Babel Dancer Passive - -
[Wind] Res Down Passive - -
Gunner Magic Bullet Passive - -
Legendary Pirate of the North Passive - -
Spring Child Passive - -
Follower of Darkness Passive - -
Captain Directionally Challenged Passive - -
Active Agent Passive - -
Desert Savior Passive - -
Restless Grave Keeper Passive - -
Burning Heart Passive - -
Master Blacksmith Job Master Bonus Passive - -
High-Elf Supremacy Passive - -
Gemstone Merchant Passive - -
Pipa Instrumentalist Passive - -
Protector Passive - -
Skylight Sun Passive - -
The Hatter Passive - -
Overseer Moon Passive - -
Fatigue Resurrection Passive - -
Foxy Spirit Passive - -
Daydreaming Gentlewoman Passive - -
Material Illusion Passive - -
Metal Arms Passive - -
Scarlet Flame Cure Passive - -
Melodious Gunfire Passive - -
Robotics Passive - -
Mechanical Toymaker Passive - -
A Different Kind of Love Passive - -
Wild Maiden Passive - -
Rival Lancer Passive - -
Rival Lancer Passive - -
Dearest Mendelssohn Passive - -
Humming Diva Passive - -
Weather Meister Passive - -
General of Greed Passive - -
Tough Tanuki Passive - -
Empress Passive - -
Nature's Weapons Dealer Passive - -
Flawless Falconer Passive - -
Wolf Boy Passive - -
The Will to Succor Passive - -
Destroyer of Greed Passive - -