AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Attack (Fiona) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Filo) Attack Strike Magical
Attack (Failnaught) Attack Missile Physical
Attack (FFXV_PROM) Attack Missile Physical
Attack (FFXV_NOCT) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (FFXV_M_CACT) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (FFXV_MAGIC_SOL) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (FFXV_MAGIC_ARM) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (FFXV_INGI) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (FFXV_GLAD) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (FFXV_BEHEMOTH) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (FFXV_ANAN) Attack Pierce Physical
Attack (Ewan) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Estella) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Escanor) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Escanor) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Eren) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Eren) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Envy) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Emmel) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Emmel) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Emmel) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Elizabeth CC) Attack - Physical
Attack (Eins) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Ed) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (ENC) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (EDGAR_GUN) Attack Missile Physical
Attack (Drei) Attack Slash Magical
Attack (Diane) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Demonic Sabareta) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Demon Form Meliodas) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Dark Phantoms - Demon of Light) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Dark Parashu) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Dark Nyx) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Dark Nyx) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Dark Mira) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Dark Mira) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Dark Masamune) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Dark Longinus) Attack Pierce Physical
Attack (Daphne) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Dancer) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (DRI) Attack Missile Physical
Attack (DOC) Attack - Physical
Attack (DIS_USAL) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (DIS_SERA) Attack Missile Physical
Attack (DIS_REDM) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (DIS_KILL) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (DIS_EN_PRIN) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (DIS_CAT) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (DIS_ARCH) Attack Missile Physical