AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
A Dream of Tender Warmth Passive - -
On Passion We Soar Passive - -
Shayna Fanclub Membership Card Passive - -
First Kitchen Battle Passive - -
Torchlight Through a Looking Glass Passive - -
O My Fair Lion Lady Passive - -
Shooting Star Wishes Passive - -
Guard Powder Item - -
Poppies Swaying in the Breeze Passive - -
Spider Lily Vows Passive - -
I Return to Ash Passive - -
Warm Nostalgia Passive - -
Senko Collision Passive - -
Mace Item - -
Ancient Garb Passive - -
Blade of Oaths Passive - -
Unbreakable Sword of Indomitability Passive - -
Squeaky Clean Kunoichi Passive - -
Respite for Those Who Would Bring Disorder Passive - -
Master's Blade Passive - -
Potential as Great as the Sea Passive - -
Thousand-Nights Poppy Passive - -
Roses Bloom Red Passive - -
Smile in the Dust Cloud Passive - -
Saber Item - -
Hearts Near and Far Passive - -
Coquelicot Lance Item - -
Windblown Sands of Time Passive - -
Wings Unbroken Passive - -
Pretty as a Picture Passive - -
Guardian of the White Sands Passive - -
Omni-directional Mobility Gear (ODM Gear) Item - -
Burning Desert Vow Passive - -
Blade Concealed by Dark Clouds Passive - -
Strategist's Busy Day Passive - -
Goals and Admiration Passive - -
Arms Storage Item - -
Loving Family Passive - -
A Special Day Passive - -
A Shocking Picnic from Another World Passive - -
Taking What's Owed Passive - -
Seaside Library Passive - -
Galley Grub Debacle Passive - -
Aromatic Spell Pipe Item - -
Advent of the Black Keels Passive - -
X Marks the Spot Passive - -
Legendary Order of Knights Passive - -
Holy War of the Seven Deadly Sins Passive - -
Eternal Heroes of Liones Passive - -
The Future Is in Both Hands Passive - -