AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Mega Thunderous Strike Skill Strike Physical
Jewel Snatch Skill - Magical
Force Steal Skill - -
Magical Silence Skill Slash Magical
Musically Mute Skill Slash Magical
Silencing Sword Skill Slash Magical
Thunder Sword Skill Slash Magical
Aero Sword Skill Slash Magical
Ice Sword Skill Slash Magical
Fire Sword Skill Slash Magical
Attack (MAH) Attack Slash Physical
Intoxicating Blade Reaction Slash Physical
Darkness Eater Skill Jump Magical
Scarlet Eater Skill Jump Magical
Death Scythe Fall Skill Jump Physical
Rot and Schwarz Skill Slash Physical
Tragedy of Red and Black Skill Jump Physical
Assault of Red and Black Skill Jump Physical
Ensnaring Assault Skill - -
ATK Skill Attack Slash Physical
Abyssal Oathblade Passive - -
Trance Drive Passive - -
Obsidian Pebbles Skill Missile Physical
Blade of the Apocalypse Skill Slash Physical
Set Blast Skill Missile Magical
Blade of the Depths Skill Slash Physical
Hades Boundary Skill Slash Physical
Dark Craving Passive - -
Hades Domain Skill Slash Physical
Death's Domain Skill Slash Physical
Realm of Feeble Death Skill Slash Physical
Zeal Eater Skill Magic Magical
Life Eater Skill Magic Magical
Disaster Area Skill Magic Magical
Dark Domain Skill Magic Magical
Dark Wisdom Passive - -
Dark Sacrifice Skill Slash Physical
Dark Offering Skill Slash Physical
Dark Ceremony Skill Slash Physical
Blade of the Distant End Skill Slash Physical
Blade of World's End Skill Slash Physical
Moonlit Night Passive - -
Phantom Assault Skill - -
Pitch-Black Blood Line Passive - -
Chains of Grief Passive - -
Overdrive Passive - -
Overdrive Passive - -
Avenger Reaction Slash Physical
Beguiling Black Thorns Skill Slash Physical
Bewitching Black Briar Skill Slash Physical