AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Beguiling Presence Passive - -
Beguiling Fog Reaction - -
Beguiling Feint Passive - -
Beguiling Fang Skill Slash -
Beguiling Black Thorns Skill Slash Physical
Begrudging Curse Reaction Magic Physical
Begrudging Blade Skill Slash Physical
Begone From My Sight! Skill Magic Magical
Begin to eliminate hostile forces (Raises Elements Res) Skill - -
Begin Barrage Action Skill - -
Beetle Wave Skill Strike Physical
Beetle Tide Skill Strike Physical
Beetle Swing Skill Strike Physical
Beetle Swing Skill Strike Physical
Beetle Swing Skill Strike Physical
Beetle Rocket <br> Skill Pierce Physical
Beetle Res (High) Area: Cross (3) Reaction - -
Beetle Gale Surge Skill Strike Physical
Beckoning-Dharma Pack Item - -
Beckoning-Cat Pack Item - -
Beckoning Into The Void Skill Magic Magical
Beckoning Into The Void Skill Magic Magical
Beautiful [Pixie] Skill - -
Beautiful Sibling Love Passive - -
Beautiful Revolution Passive - -
Beautiful Nightmare Skill Slash Physical
Beautiful Dual Rush Skill Slash Physical
Beautiful Dual Flurry Skill Slash Physical
Beautiful Dual Burial Strike Skill Slash Physical
Beautiful Dual Burial Flash Skill Slash Physical
Beautiful Demise Skill - -
Beat Up Skill Strike Physical
Beat Down Skill Strike Physical
Beast-Killer Stance Skill - -
Beast's Misfortune Skill Slash Physical
Beast's Judgment Skill Slash Physical
Beast of Light Skill - -
Beast of Light Skill - -
Beast of Light Skill - -
Beast Tamer: JLv11 Passive - -
Beast Tamer: JLv10 Passive - -
Beast Tamer: JLv09 Passive - -
Beast Tamer: JLv08 Passive - -
Beast Tamer: JLv07 Passive - -
Beast Tamer: JLv06 Passive - -
Beast Tamer: JLv05 Passive - -
Beast Tamer: JLv04 Passive - -
Beast Tamer: JLv03 Passive - -
Beast Tamer: JLv02 Passive - -
Beast Tamer: JLv01 Passive - -