AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Counter Delay Reaction - -
Clock Resist Passive - -
Time Leap Passive - -
Attack (HUU) Attack Strike Physical
Good Omen Attack - -
Bad Omen Attack - -
Vermilion Bird Attack - -
Black Tortoise Attack - -
Blue Dragon Attack - -
White Tiger Attack - -
Dragon Eye Attack - -
Dragon Pulse Attack - -
Bagua Fertile Land Skill - -
Bagua Bottomless Swamp Skill - -
Bagua Eruption Skill Magic Magical
Bagua Fey Skill Magic Magical
Offensive Ground Activity Skill - -
Fire Axe Ablaze Skill - Physical
Defense Dragon Pulse Activated Skill - -
Thunder Fire Collapse Skill Strike Physical
Water Wind Collapse Skill Strike Physical
Immense Ground Activity Skill - -
Battle Dragon Pulse Activated Skill - -
Bagua Sunlight Skill Magic Magical
Healing Grid Skill - -
Buff Physical Skill - -
Buff Magic Skill - -
Slow Skill - -
Demon Gate's Temptation Reaction - -
Fate's Decision Passive - -
Voltage Syrup Skill - -
Lucky Duo [Hagoita] 4★ Item - -
Fever Syrup Skill - -
Medical Shower Skill - -
Potent Shot Skill Missile Physical
Healing Barrett Skill - -
Blocking Shot Skill Missile Physical
Breaking Shot Skill Missile Physical
Break Assault Skill Missile Physical
Piercing Shot Skill Missile Physical
Charm Strike Skill Strike Physical
Seraphic Gate Shot Skill Missile Physical
Heart Seeker Skill Missile Physical
Revenge Reaction Missile Physical
Long Range Passive - -
Extension Passive - -
Trident Bullet Skill Missile Physical
Drop Shot Skill Missile Physical
Poison Rain Skill - -
Accelerated Shot Skill Missile Physical