AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
もう動いていいよ Skill - -
散弾投石 Skill Strike Physical
遠距離投石 Skill Strike Physical
振り払い Reaction Strike Physical
Evasion Up Passive - -
連続蹴り Skill Strike Physical
足砕き Skill Strike Physical
守勢の構え Skill - -
硬質化 Skill - -
怪腕 Skill Strike Physical
ぶちかまし Skill Strike Physical
壁砕蹴り Skill Strike Physical
右腕の一撃 Skill Strike Physical
左腕の一撃 Skill Strike Physical
進撃ユニットの全攻大幅アップ(永続) Passive - -
巨体特防ダウン Passive - -
Attack (BAA) Attack Slash Physical
Blade of Demise Skill Slash Physical
Reverse Clever Charge Passive - -
Mega Flame Skill Magic Magical
Mega Spark Skill Magic Magical
Super Counter Reaction Special Magical
Negate Own Reaction Passive - -
Enhance Black Knight Skill - -
Survival Chance 100% Passive - -
△[Slash/Strike/Pierce/Missile/JUMP/Mag Res] +1-999% Passive - -
Dark Thorn Skill Strike Physical
Poison Cluster Skill Strike Physical
Petrify Skill - -
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika Skill Strike Physical
Flowing Filth Skill Strike Physical
Absorption Reaction - -
Dark Thorn Skill Strike Physical
Poison Cluster Skill Strike Physical
Charm Res Down Skill - -
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika Skill Strike Physical
Flowing Filth Skill Strike Physical
Physical Guard Reaction - -
Magic Guard Reaction - -
Strike Attack Special Magical
Laser Skill Magic Magical
Destructive Beam Skill Magic Magical
Strong vs Amorphous 1-100 Up Passive - -
Apocalypse Skill Special Magical
Sleep/Petrify Res Up Skill - -
△[Fire Res] +1-999 (Enemy LS) Passive - -
△[Water Res] +1-999 (Enemy LS) Passive - -
△[Wind Res] +1-999 (Enemy LS) Passive - -