AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Chaos Robbery Skill - Physical
Spirit of the Sea God Passive - -
Bermuda Splash Reaction Slash Physical
Trimuda Chop Reaction Slash Physical
Choppy Sea Reaction Slash Physical
Jewel Climb Skill - Physical
Jewel Greed Skill - Physical
Gulf Stream Skill - Physical
Maelstrom Skill - Physical
Million Torrent Skill - Physical
Million Wave Skill - Physical
Flashing Anchor Cast Skill - Physical
Anchor Cast Skill - Physical
Pirate Victory Song Skill - -
Pirate Song Skill - -
Skull Crusher Skill Slash Physical
Slumber Strike Skill Strike Physical
Skull Slash Skill Slash Physical
Cannon Grenade Skill Missile Physical
Bombard Skill Missile Physical
Psychic Flow Skill Slash Physical
Psycho Wave Skill Slash Physical
Physical Flow Skill Slash Physical
Paralyze Spit Skill - -
Physical Wave Skill Slash Physical
Mad Sea Shanty Skill - -
Mad Sea Song Skill - -
Attack (KAI) Attack Slash Physical
Helheim's Tempest Passive - -
Tir Na Nog Wind Passive - -
Arcana Ratty Reaction - -
Hazardous Flare Skill Magic Magical
Abyss Flare Skill Magic Magical
Call of the Crusade Skill Magic Magical
Crusade Judge Skill Magic Magical
Ratty Magnum Opus Skill Special Physical
Ratty Ars Magna Skill Special Physical
Hellish Palace Beast Skill - -
Heavenly Palace Beast Skill - -
Dark Flare Skill Magic Magical
Judgment Skill Magic Magical
Fervent Aria Passive - -
Divine Power Reaction Magic Magical
Mana Focus Skill - -
Bloody Wolf Skill Special Physical
Ratty Call Skill Special Physical
Dark Corpse-Shredder 3★ Item - -
Oracle Ratty Skill Magic Magical
Dark Flare Skill Magic Magical
Judgment Skill Magic Magical