AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Emmel Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Blue Cleanse Crux Skill Magic Magical
Blue Cleanse Crux Skill Magic Magical
Matia Skill Clone Swap Buff Passive - -
Blue Sin Alkaid Skill Magic Magical
ATK Skill Attack Missile Physical
Original Authority Oaklis Skill - -
Water's End Sky Ray Skill Missile Physical
Entangled Spirit Phonetic Code Skill - -
Azure Fall Battle Star Skill Missile Physical
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Azure Kill Battle Star Skill Missile Physical
Piercing Water Dahlgren Skill Missile Physical
First Shot Malaika Skill - -
Absorbing End Sturti Skill Special Physical
Ruling Blue Scuffle Skill Missile Physical
Counter Eye Laetus Reaction Special Physical
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Yishai Ignacio Equipment Item - -
Yishai Ignacio Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Attack (Ouroboros Legacy) Attack Magic Magical
Ring Overload Skill - -
Heavenly Ring Overload Skill - -
Dark Principle Helix Stand<br> Skill Magic Magical
Dark Temptation Ganimede Skill Magic Magical
Dark Genesis Regalia Skill Magic Magical
Dragonworld Gate Skill - -
Reverse Sound Asterism Skill Magic Magical
Ancient Principle Soul Fireworks Skill - -
Draconic Principle Momentum Skill - -
Dragonworld Omega Skill - -
Dragon Scales Trail Reaction - -
Dragonworld Gate Passive - -
Oath to the Law of Observation Passive - -
Twilight's Heartbeat Passive - -
Twilight's Heartbeat Passive - -
Ouroboros Legacy Job Master Passive - -
Attack (Post-Transformation Schmeier) Attack Magic Magical
Ouroboros Legacy Equipment Item - -
Attack (Schmeier) Attack Magic Magical
Wind Power Ignoramus Skill Magic Magical
Storm Fang Viridis Skill Magic Magical
Four Kings Ventos Skill Magic Magical
Mystic Wind Sapientia Skill Magic Magical
Funeral Wind Sapientia Skill Magic Magical
Wind Dragon Concordia Skill - -
Law Clash Laplace Skill Magic Magical
Wise Man Luscinia Skill - -
Wind Scale Perna Skill - -
Anti-Slash Filia Reaction - -