AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Boots Item - -
Booster+2 Passive - -
Booster+2 Passive - -
Booster+1 Passive - -
Boon of Speed Skill - -
Boon of Might Skill - -
Boon of Focus Skill - -
Boon Skill Magic Physical
Booming Cannon Razorback Skill - -
Boom! Skill Special Physical
Boom Technician: JLv11 Max Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv11 Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv10 Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv09 Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv08 Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv07 Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv06 Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv05 Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv04 Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv03 Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv02 Passive - -
Boom Technician: JLv01 Passive - -
Boom Technician Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Booby Trap Reaction - -
Bonus ☆ Squeak Skill - -
Bonfire Skill Magic Magical
Bones Out Reaction - -
Bone-Breaking Strike Skill Slash Physical
Bone Snap α [PATK Down] Skill - -
Bone Snap on ally unit [PATK Down] Skill - -
Bone Snap [PATK Down] Skill - -
Bone Snap [PATK Down] Skill - -
Bone Crushing Blow Skill Slash Physical
Bone Crush [PATK/PDEF Down] Skill Missile Physical
Bone Crush [PATK Down] Skill Missile Physical
Bone Crush [PATK Down] Skill Missile Physical
Bone Crush [PATK Down] Skill Missile Physical
Bone Crush [PATK Down] Skill Missile Physical
Bone Crush [PATK Down] Skill Missile Physical
Bone Crush Skill Missile Physical
Bone Crush Skill Missile Physical
Bonding with Tigferes Passive - -
Bondage Skill - -
Bond with The Seven Deadly Sins Passive - -
Bond with Hawkeye Reaction Missile Physical
Bond of Ulzii Skill - -
Bond of Love Skill Slash Physical
Bond of Kin Skill - -
Bombshell Skill Missile Physical
Bombshell Skill Missile Physical