AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Hungry Wolf Thunder Claw Skill Pierce Physical
Hungry Wolf Lightning Claw Skill Pierce Physical
Flash Lorelei Skill Pierce Physical
Managarum Hope Skill - -
Hungry Wolf Hostia Skill - -
Thunderbolt Wolf-Rayet Skill Pierce Physical
Angry Thunderwolf Skill - -
Hungry Wolf's Speared Fangs Reaction Pierce Physical
Hungry Wolf's Speared Fangs Reaction - -
Yearning Fang Passive - -
Langhao Equipment Item - -
Langhao-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Orion Equipment Stats 1 Item - -
Orion Equipment Stats 2 Item - -
Orion Equipment Stats 3 Item - -
Orion Equipment Stats 4 Item - -
Orion Equipment Stats 5 Item - -
Orion Equipment Stats 6 Item - -
Orion CC Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Attack (Kaede) Attack Slash Physical
Ogre Blood Wear Skill - -
Light Ogre Lily Skill Slash Physical
Blossom Vortex Skill Slash Physical
Ogre's Gate: Light Blade Skill Slash Physical
Ogre's Gate: Shining Blade Skill Slash Physical
Wild Ogre Slash Skill Slash Physical
Earthen Chrysanthemum Skill Slash Physical
Blazing Ogre Skill - -
Spirit of the Ogre Skill - -
Rare Blood Release Reaction - -
Resolution of Bonds Passive - -
Light of Dawn's Heartbeat Passive - -
Light of Dawn's Heartbeat Passive - -
Attack (Post-Transformation Kaede) Attack Slash Physical
Rare Blood Rampage Reaction Slash Physical
Kaede Equipment Item - -
Kaede-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Post-Transformation Kaede-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Attack (Zafeiris) Attack Magic Magical
Scintillation Animus Skill - -
Imperial Wrath Natura Skill Magic Magical
Hide Trap Reaction - -
Howling Thunder Sapphirus Skill Magic Magical
Thunder Cap Lacrimosa Skill Magic Magical
Violet Drake Concordia Skill - -
Defender Drake Concordia Skill - -
Dragon Core Moenia Skill - -
Thunder Blow Mergo Skill Magic Magical