AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Moon Torrent Skill Slash Physical
Stealth Passive - -
Stance of the Runner Reaction - -
Make-or-Break Skill - -
Leave It To Chance Skill - -
Guilty Deal Skill Slash Physical
Assassin Blade - Lesser Charm Skill Slash Physical
Assassin Blade - Sleep Skill Slash Physical
Assassin Blade - Paralyze Skill Slash Physical
Assassin Blade - Dark Skill Slash Physical
Assassin Blade - Poison Skill Slash Physical
Soul Degeneration Skill Slash Physical
Soul Slicer Skill Slash Physical
Air Surge Skill Slash Physical
Dark Crow Skill Slash Physical
Infernal Delivery Skill Slash Physical
Attack (KIL) Attack Slash Physical
A Witch's Best Passive - -
Witch's Heart Reaction - -
Icicle Rush Skill Magic Magical
Broom Ace Rest Skill - -
Magical Jewels Skill - -
Quick Healing Skill - -
Magical Aura Skill - -
Jewel Territory Skill - -
Jewel Field Skill - -
Icicle Ray Skill Magic Magical
Elemental Healing Skill - -
Attack (LIESBET) Attack Strike Physical
Witch's Resolve Passive - -
Magical Knowledge Passive - -
Magical Charm Reaction - -
Icicle Edge Skill Magic Magical
Cure Condition Skill - -
Auto-Healing Skill - -
Freeze Over Skill Magic Magical
Grant Jewels Skill - -
Jewel Flip Skill - -
Excellent Healing Skill - -
Great Healing Skill - -
Jewel Gift Skill - -
Healing Skill - -
Attack (LIESBET) Attack Strike Physical
Quick Action Reaction - -
Taunt Skill - -
Strong Roller Skill Strike Physical
Slumber Strike Skill Strike Physical
Shade Strike Skill Strike Physical
Charm Strike Skill Strike Physical
Venom Strike Skill Strike Physical