AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Continuous MATK Up Passive - -
Continuous Concentration Passive - -
Continental Undertaker Skill - -
Consuming Creation Skill - -
Consume Skill - Physical
Consecutive High Slap Skill Strike Physical
Consecutive High Slap Skill Strike Physical
Consecration of Pride Skill Magic Magical
Consecrated Loyalty Passive - -
Consecrated Cleave Passive - -
Conscript's Move Skill - -
Conquering Will Skill - -
Conquering Will Skill - -
Conquering Blaze Charge Skill - -
Connection Rigator Reaction - -
Connection Rigator Reaction - -
Connected Laws Passive - -
Conjunction Skill - -
Conical Dual Lance Skill - Physical
Congratulations, That's Correct! Skill - -
Congratulations ☆ Squeak Reaction Special Physical
Congratulations on Coming So Far! Passive - -
Confuse☆Confuse Reaction - -
Confounding Light Arrows Skill Missile Magical
Conflagration Edge Skill Slash Physical
Conflagrant Flash Skill Pierce Physical
Confirmed Victory Passive - -
Confirmed Event Hourglass Passive - -
Confirmed Event Passive - -
Confining Stone Throw Skill Strike Physical
Confession Full Moon Skill - -
Condition Control Skill - -
Condense Power Skill Missile Physical
Condemnation Luciora Skill - -
Concussive Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Concentration "Idleness" Passive - -
Concentration Skill - -
Concealer's Dance! Reaction - -
Comrades' Cheer Passive - -
Compression Vacuum Shot [Remove Buffs] Skill Missile Physical
Compressed Shot (Wind) Skill Missile Physical
Compressed Shot (Water) Skill Missile Physical
Compressed Shot (Thunder) Skill Missile Physical
Compressed Shot (Fire) Skill Missile Physical
Compressed Shot Skill Pierce Physical
Compressed Shot Skill Missile Physical
Composite Counter Reaction Special Physical
Composite Counter Reaction Special Physical
Composite Counter Reaction Special Physical
Composite Armor Reaction - -