AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Dancer: JLv10 Passive - -
Dancer: JLv09 Passive - -
Dancer: JLv08 Passive - -
Dancer: JLv07 Passive - -
Dancer: JLv06 Passive - -
Dancer: JLv05 Passive - -
Dancer: JLv04 Passive - -
Dancer: JLv03 Passive - -
Dancer: JLv02 Passive - -
Dancer: JLv01 Passive - -
Dancer Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Dancer EC Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Dance of the Immortal Bird Skill - -
Dance of the Immortal Bird Skill - -
Dance of the Fool Skill - -
Dance of the Fan Hero Passive - -
Dance of Weakness Skill - -
Dance of Physical Annulment Skill - -
Dance of Physical Annulment Skill - -
Dance of Overwhelming Wind Skill - -
Dance of Overwhelming Water Skill - -
Dance of Overwhelming Thunder Skill - -
Dance of Overwhelming Light Skill - -
Dance of Overwhelming Fire Skill - -
Dance of Overwhelming Darkness Skill - -
Dance of Misfortune Skill - -
Dance of Magical Annulment Skill - -
Dance of Futile Strikes Skill - -
Dance of Broken Swords Skill - -
Dance of Broken Spears Skill - -
Dance of Broken Arrows Skill - -
Dance for Tomorrow Passive - -
Dance Incense Last Perfume Skill Magic Magical
Dance Costume Item - -
DanMachi Slash ATK & Non-Mag Res Up Passive - -
Damsel's Cheer Skill - -
Dampen PDEF Reaction - -
Dampen PDEF Reaction - -
Dampen PDEF Reaction - -
Damnation of Helios Skill Magic Magical
Damnation Shot Skill Missile Physical
Damaged Blade Reversal Reaction - -
Damage to Core Skill - -
Damage to Core Skill - -
Damage to Core Skill - -
Damage to Core Skill - -
Damage Shield [Disable ATK up to 3x] Skill - -
Damage Shield [3x] Skill - -
Damage Reduction Shield Skill - -
Damage Convert Reaction - -