AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Homing Shot Wear Molybdan Skill - -
[Memento] Shahel Memento Status Passive - -
Dark Fall Battle Star Skill Missile Physical
Dark Flash Sky Ray Skill Missile Physical
Pitch Black Turret Skill Missile Physical
ATK Skill Attack Missile Physical
Suppression of Pride Passive - -
Suppression of Pride Skill - -
Reverberation of Sin Reaction Magic Magical
Time for Selection Reaction - -
Preparation for Selection Reaction - -
Preparation for Selection Reaction - -
Preparation for Selection Reaction - -
Preparation for Selection Reaction - -
Liberating Pride Skill Magic Magical
Wardern's Forebear Passive - -
Ruling of Twilight Skill Magic Magical
Salvation of Pride Skill Magic Magical
Diffusion of Pride Skill Magic Magical
Sacrament of Pride Skill Magic Magical
[Genesis Chapter 8 Part One] Lucifer Normal ATK Attack Magic Magical
光&闇属性以外耐性999 Passive - -
GLM S Field Skill - -
打撃・魔法以外完全回避 Reaction - -
全加速の波動+ Reaction - -
Thanks for the Continued Support☆Squeak Skill - -
2000日達成ありがとう de チュウ Skill - -
二千日記念アスラ Skill Slash Physical
Defeated All Enemies! Skill - -
Kill Bonus Skill - -
30 Kills! Skill - -
20 Kills! Skill - -
Poison Status (Quest ends when HP drops to 0) Passive - -
Explosion☆Squeak (Dmg to ally units) Skill - -
Explosion☆Squeak (Square 7) Reaction - -
Explosion☆Squeak (Diamond 9) Reaction - -
Countdown 1 (Swiftly defeat the enemies!) Skill - -
Countdown 2 (Swiftly defeat the enemies!) Skill - -
Countdown (Clear by defeating Time Ratty) Skill - -
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical