AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Reptile Bringer Skill Pierce Physical
Lizard Tail Skill Pierce Physical
Lizardman Normal Attack Attack Pierce Physical
Hestia's Smile Passive - -
Cycle of Rakshasa Reaction - -
Life-Giver Rakshasa Skill - -
Agni's Gaze Skill - -
Hephaestus's Hammer Skill Strike Physical
Surtr Onslaught Skill Strike Physical
Surtr Charge Skill Strike Physical
Despotism of Rakshasa Skill - -
Tyranny of Rakshasa Skill - -
Strong Arm Caucus Skill Strike Physical
Normal Attack (Knuckle Berserker) Attack Strike Physical
Water Robes of Neptune Passive - -
Iskandar Shield Reaction - -
Blood of Galatia Skill - -
Radiant Fang [Apsara] Skill Pierce Physical
Chariot Wheel Skill - -
Pure Water Canon [Marduk] Skill Special Physical
Pure Water Gun [Marduk] Skill Special Physical
Solid Achilles Formation Skill - -
Achilles Formation Skill - -
Glaucus Shot Spear Skill - -
Great Water Lance [Triton] Skill Pierce Physical
Atack (GUNL_WATER) Attack Pierce Physical
Dryad Burst Passive - -
Siren Reverse Reaction - -
Voracious Basilisk Skill Slash Magical
Beguiling Scylla Skill - -
Bolstering Cyclops Skill - -
Grave Banshee Skill Pierce Physical
Sovereign Oberon Skill - -
Sparkling Ice [Fenrir] Skill Slash Magical
Glacial [Fenrir] Skill Slash Magical
Aquatic [Undine] Skill - -
Argentine Rusalka Skill - -
Right Fist Thrust Skill Strike Physical
Ebony Rusalka Skill - -
Primed Yurlungur Skill - -
ATK Skill Attack Slash Physical
Rainbow Corona Passive - -
Skeptical Wormhole Passive - -
Theoretical Void Reaction - -
Karmic Aldebaran Skill - -
Metaphysical Trapezium Skill - -
Formulated Filament Skill - -
Ex Atmosphere Skill Magic Magical
Plasma Burst - Lone Skill Magic Magical
Plasma Burst - Solus Skill Magic Magical