AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Mow Down Skill Strike Physical
Spinal Reflex Reaction - -
God Hand: Twelve Labors Passive - -
Valor Passive - -
Attack (Rider) Attack Pierce Physical
Penetration Skill Pierce Physical
Battle Continuation Passive - -
Roundhouse Kick Skill Strike Physical
Leap Toss Skill Pierce Physical
Blood Temple Skill Magic Magical
Darkness Temple Skill Magic Magical
Bondage Skill - -
Toss Skill Pierce Physical
Mystic Eyes Reaction - -
Bellerophon: Bridle of Chivalry Passive - -
Attack (Lancer) Attack Pierce Physical
Serial Thrust Skill Pierce Physical
Spiked Death Spear Skill Pierce Physical
Soaring Death Spear Skill Pierce Physical
Lightning Speed Skill - -
Death Mow Skill Pierce Physical
Attack (Primeval Dragon Core Earth) Attack Magic Magical
Leaping Thrust Skill Jump Physical
Divine Arrow-Guard Reaction - -
Phantom Summon Skill - -
Attack (Spellcaster / Rin Tohsaka) Attack Missile Physical
Single Fionn Strike Skill Magic Magical
Deceptive Blackness Skill - -
Serial Gandr Strike Skill Magic Magical
Black-Flame Missile Skill Magic Magical
Piercer Skill Missile Physical
Sweeping Kick Skill Strike Physical
Palm Strike Skill Strike Physical
Solid Legs Skill - -
Sieben Reaction - -
Red Devil Passive - -
Attack (Spellcaster/Illya) Attack Missile Physical
Degen Skill Magic Magical
Zelle Skill Magic Magical
Photon-Fire Radiation Skill Magic Magical
Handmade Doll of Tsukuyomi 4★ Item - -
Photon-Fire Strafing Skill Magic Magical
Photon-Fire Skill Magic Magical
Mana Release Skill - -
Gigantic Photon-Fire Skill Magic Magical
Magic Veil Reaction - -
Magecraft Basics Passive - -
Attack (Saber) Attack Slash Physical
Flashing Blade Skill Slash Physical
Invisible Air Skill - None