AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Oath to the Law of Observation Passive - -
Dragonworld Gate Passive - -
Dragon Scales Trail Reaction - -
Shahel Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Dragonworld Omega Skill - -
Draconic Principle Momentum Skill - -
[Ancient Principle] Soul Fireworks Skill - -
[Reverse Sound] Asterism Skill Magic Magical
Dragonworld Gate Skill - -
Dark Genesis Regalia Skill Magic Magical
Dark Temptation Ganimede Skill Magic Magical
Dark Principle Helix Stand<br> Skill Magic Magical
Ring Overload Skill - -
Restorative Oceanus Skill - -
Prohibition Navarin (100% Hit) Skill Slash Physical
Aqua Cannon Furious (100% Hit) Skill Slash Physical
Plundered Seas Galleon (100% Hit) Skill Slash Physical
Water Martial Frigate (100% Hit) Skill Slash Physical
Ice Blade Culverin (100% Hit) Skill Slash Physical
Over-Encumbered Boost Skill - -
Oppressive Barbaros (100% Hit) Skill Slash Physical
Poison Mist Skill - -
Mega Spark Skill Magic Magical
Ultimate Melee Stance Skill - -
Ultimate Ranged Stance Skill - -
Great Death Mow Skill Slash Physical
Burial Gun Skill Missile Physical
Matia Skill Clone Swap Buff Passive - -
[Dark Pulse] Spreading Wings of Twilight+ Skill Pierce Physical
[Sinking Pulse] 5 Skandhas Funeral Bell+ Skill Pierce Physical
[Gloom Pulse] Seeking the Dusk of Battle+ Skill Pierce Physical
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
[Stream Pulse] Mad-Blood Blade Mourns Skill Slash Physical
Unbridled Light of Judgment Reaction Special Physical
Hollow Genius Passive - -
Explosion Begatry Reaction Missile Physical
Rejection Actinoid Reaction Strike Physical
Soul Cover Immaterial Reaction - -
Explosion Begatry Skill Missile Physical
Breaker Gun Detonation Skill - -
Spirit Gun Malaika Skill - -
Final Dark Over Stand Skill Missile Physical
Chasing Dark Crime Stand Skill Missile Physical
Opening Dark Helix Stand Skill Missile Physical
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Homing Shot Wear Molybdan Skill - -
Opening Shot Wear Tungsten Skill - -
Final Shot Wear Wolfram Skill - -
Final Shot Wear Wolfram Skill - -
Opening Shot Wear Tungsten Skill - -