AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Darkness Eclipse Skill Slash Physical
Free From Thought Skill - -
War-Demon Decimation Skill Slash Physical
Distant Blade - Razor's Determination Skill Slash Physical
Dark Secret Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Dark Secret Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Dark Road Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Dark Road Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Lightless Blast Skill - -
Lightless Blast Skill - -
Destitution Blade Skill Slash Physical
Formless Dreams Skill - -
Gone With The Wind Skill - -
Zahar Greatsword 3-4★ Item - -
Attack (SET01_DARK) Attack Slash Physical
Breeze of Pride Skill - -
Power of Dark Dragon Passive - -
Holy Sword of Nothingness Passive - -
Determined Misfortune Reaction - Physical
Venom Blast Skill Slash Magical
Lumen Jail Skill Slash Physical
Embrace of the Empty Sky Skill - -
Sol Accessory 5★ Item - -
Continental Undertaker Skill - -
Noir Nova Skill Slash Physical
Shining Inferno Skill Slash Magical
Shining Hellfire Skill Slash Magical
Pride Break Skill Slash Physical
Vanity Break Skill Slash Physical
Sol Accessory 3-4★ Item - -
Desperia Hazard Skill Slash Physical
Abyss Blade Skill Slash Physical
Attack (ZAYI01_DARK) Attack Slash Physical
Almace Job Master Passive - -
Unshakeable Determination Passive - -
Dark Blade of Freezing Passive - -
Cryo-Devil Barrier Reaction - -
Rightful Creation Skill - -
Valentine's Charm 5★ Item - -
Frozen Blade Dance Skill Slash Physical
Frozen Shot Skill Magic Magical
Ardent Hopes Skill - -
Vengeful Liberating Warblade Skill Slash Physical
Liberating Warblade Skill Slash Physical
Frozen Force Shot Skill Magic Magical
Desired Reinstatement Skill - -
Dreams [Queen of Peace] Skill - -
Attack (Almace) Attack Slash Physical
Mira Job Master Passive - -
Teachings of an Abstinent Witch Passive - -