AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Sand Bloom Passive - -
Beach Breeze Passive - -
[Memento] Nefertiti Memento Stats Passive - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Nefertiti Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Paralyze Splash Skill - -
A Lily of Peace Blooms Between the Waves Passive - -
[Memento] Shenmei Memento Stats Passive - -
[Memento] Tina Anniversary Memento Status Passive - -
Miasma Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Poisonous Rigid Bow Skill Missile Physical
Stone Crushing Tale Skill Strike Physical
Sacrificial Soul Shot Skill Slash Physical
Surefire Shot - 100% Hit Skill Missile Physical
Blizzard Brigade Skill Magic Magical
Iceball Brigade Skill Magic Magical
Blizzard Sword Brigade Skill Slash Magical
Ice Sword Brigade Skill Slash Magical
Ankh Adjustment Passive - -
Aswald Adjustment Passive - -
Shield of Equal Protection Skill - -
Equal Quicken for All Skill - -
Jewels Regeneration Passive - -
敵陣営のガッツ-100 Passive - -
Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Vigorous Kill Skill Slash Physical
Heretical Blast+ Skill - -
Soulless Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Tyrannical Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Fierce Tsubamegaeshi Reaction Slash Physical
Shadow Remnants Skill - -
CT Boost Skill - -
Summon Toad Flow Skill Magic Physical
Summon Python Storm Skill Magic Physical
Windmill Shuriken Skill Missile Physical
Lightning Shuriken Skill Missile Physical
Energy Absorb Reaction - Physical
Dark Crow Skill Slash Physical
Air Surge Skill Slash Physical
20 Kills! Skill - -
Soul Slicer Skill Slash Physical
Stance of the Runner+ Reaction - -
Cross Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Cross Blast Skill Magic Magical
Mega Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Mega Blast Skill Magic Magical
Counter Magic++ Reaction Magic Magical
Deadly Invitation Skill - -
Overclock Skill - -