AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Cancel Temperature Passive - -
Paralyze Res Passive - -
Life Predation Reaction - -
Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Flowing Filth Skill Strike Physical
Silencing Rain Skill Missile Physical
High-Quality Healing Potion Skill - -
Absolute Destruction Skill Special Physical
Pulsating Wing Strike Skill Slash Physical
Falling Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Laser Skill Magic Magical
Jewel Handout Skill - -
Jewel Supply Skill - -
Attack (Slime) Attack Strike Physical
Rimuru Slime Equipment 1 Item - -
Rimuru Slime Job Master 1 Passive - -
Phys Dmg Res Passive - -
Pierce Res Passive - -
Slime Resistance Reaction - -
Poison Breath Skill - -
Paralysis Breath Skill - -
Sticky Thread Skill - -
Res Penetrating Poison Laser Skill Magic Magical
Abyss Predator Skill Magic Magical
Water Blade Skill Slash Physical
Black Flame Skill Magic Magical
Ultraspeed Regeneration Skill - -
Slime Dash Skill Strike Physical
Slime Slam Skill Strike Physical
Attack (Slime) Attack Strike Physical
Wanderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Wanderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Wanderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Wanderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Twilight's Heartbeat Passive - -
Twilight's Heartbeat Passive - -
Kaiser Dark Breath Skill - Magical
Ikasa-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Ikasa Equipment Item - -
Peony Curse Passive - -
Darkness in May Passive - -
Roaring Harmful Noise Reaction - -
Harmful Noise Reaction - -
Kaiser Throwing-Star Skill Missile Physical
Twilight Spirit Skill Slash Physical
New Moon Skill - -
Forever Night Skill - -
Hollow Swallow Skill Slash Physical
Beautiful Demise Skill - -
Reverse Styx Skill Slash Physical