AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Crystal Break Skill Slash Physical
Miracle Kanon Slash Skill Slash Physical
Flaming Crimson Blade Skill Slash Physical
Demonic Awakening Skill - -
Demon Summoning Skill Slash Physical
I'll Do This Alone! Skill Slash Physical
Killing Gear Passive - -
Shock to Kill Skill Slash Physical
Last Blizzard Skill Slash Physical
Dissection of Truth Passive - -
Blood of Steel Passive - -
Share Happiness Passive - -
Path of Mercy Passive - -
Immutable Order Passive - -
Ruinmaker's Crimson Trail Passive - -
Making Her Smile Passive - -
Prism Flower Skill Missile Physical
Dream-Chasing Dealer Passive - -
Fair Tamer Passive - -
Jack-in-the-box Reaction Missile Physical
Signaling Shot of Trust Passive - -
Origin of the Strongest Passive - -
Canty Demon's Day Passive - -
Final Burst Skill Slash Physical
Critique of the Secluded Passive - -
Little Sage's Innovations Passive - -
Secrets of the Tiger-King Fist Passive - -
Energetic Smile Passive - -
Glow of the Hourglass Passive - -
Night Fox Salvation Passive - -
Light of Hades Passive - -
Magic Completed by Oneself Passive - -
Sparkly Creation Passive - -
Mermaid Smile Passive - -
Bonding with Tigferes Passive - -
Dark Cross Skill Magic Magical
Resolute Spear Passive - -
A Faithful Muzzle Passive - -
Divine Creation Passive - -
Mandra-Weather Passive - -
Consecrated Loyalty Passive - -
Clear Skies Passive - -
Curious Rush Passive - -
Well-Organized Honor Student Passive - -
Full Power Clean Up Passive - -
High-Elf Dignity Passive - -
Solitary Demonic Killer Passive - -
Heat Control Passive - -
Number One Mecha Lance Passive - -
Majestic Return Passive - -