AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Dazzling Black Judgment Reaction - -
Great Darkness Passive - -
Hell's Apocalypse Passive - -
CT +30 Skill - -
Dark Lujon Skill Magic Magical
Abyss Wall Skill - -
Inferno Gate Skill Magic Magical
Darkness Paradigm Passive - -
Attack (Sol-Only Job) Attack Missile Physical
Dimensional Starburst Skill Missile Physical
Shell of Rejections Skill - -
Plasma Burst - Solus Skill Magic Magical
Plasma Burst - Lone Skill Magic Magical
Ex Atmosphere Skill Magic Magical
Formulated Filament Skill - -
Metaphysical Trapezium Skill - -
Karmic Aldebaran Skill - -
Aquatic [Undine] Skill - -
Theoretical Void Reaction - -
Skeptical Wormhole Passive - -
Rainbow Corona Passive - -
ATK Skill Attack Slash Physical
Primed Yurlungur Skill - -
Ebony Rusalka Skill - -
Right Fist Thrust Skill Strike Physical
Argentine Rusalka Skill - -
Glacial [Fenrir] Skill Slash Magical
Sparkling Ice [Fenrir] Skill Slash Magical
Sovereign Oberon Skill - -
Grave Banshee Skill Pierce Physical
Bolstering Cyclops Skill - -
Beguiling Scylla Skill - -
Voracious Basilisk Skill Slash Magical
Siren Reverse Reaction - -
Dryad Burst Passive - -
Atack (GUNL_WATER) Attack Pierce Physical
Great Water Lance [Triton] Skill Pierce Physical
Glaucus Shot Spear Skill - -
Achilles Formation Skill - -
Solid Achilles Formation Skill - -
Pure Water Gun [Marduk] Skill Special Physical
Despotism of Rakshasa Skill - -
Pure Water Canon [Marduk] Skill Special Physical
Chariot Wheel Skill - -
Radiant Fang [Apsara] Skill Pierce Physical
Blood of Galatia Skill - -
Iskandar Shield Reaction - -
Water Robes of Neptune Passive - -
Normal Attack (Knuckle Berserker) Attack Strike Physical
Strong Arm Caucus Skill Strike Physical