AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Penetrating Stone Throw Skill Missile Physical
Immunity vs Magic Reaction - -
Immunity vs Physical Attacks Reaction - -
Bind Status Passive_Effect Value 300 Passive - -
Quicken Status Passive Passive - -
Petrify Status Passive_Effect 300 Only when present Passive - -
Tackle Attack Strike Physical
Tackle Attack Strike Physical
Tackle Attack Special Physical
Tackle & Poison Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Stun Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Sleep Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Charm Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Petrify Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Blind Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Silence Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Bind Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Infect Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Death Sentence Attack Strike Physical
シェリル・ノーム配布武具 Item - -
Hide-and-Seek Skill - -
Tackle & Berserk Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Stop Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Quicken Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Delay Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Slow Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & Rage Attack Strike Physical
Tackle & All Statuses Attack Strike Physical
Scratch Skill Slash Physical
Tail Attack Skill Strike Physical
Venom Tail Skill Missile Physical
Venom Claw Skill Slash Physical
Paralyzing ☆ Squeak Skill Strike Physical
Immobilizing ☆ Squeak Skill Strike Physical
Immobilizing ☆ Squeak Skill Strike Physical
MOVE +1, JUMP +1~5 Passive - -
Shining Cross Skill Magic Magical
Immobilizing ☆ Squeak Skill Strike Physical
Adjusting Immobilizing ☆ Squeak Skill Strike Physical
Squeak ☆ Together Reaction - -
Semi ☆ Squeak Skill Strike Physical
Knockback Tackle Attack Strike Physical
Judgment - Quicken Skill - -
Judgment - Move Up Skill - -
Judgment - Quicken Skill - -
Judgment - Move Up Skill - -
Judgment - Res Down Skill - -
Tackle Attack Strike Physical
Magic Tackle Attack Magic Magical
Fire Skill Magic Magical