AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Pierce Mastery Passive - -
Attack (Protector) Attack Slash Physical
Cure Skill - -
Taunt Skill - -
Aegis Skill - -
Shield Smite Skill Strike Physical
Inspire Skill - -
Shield Smite+ Skill Strike Physical
2-Hit Skill Slash Physical
DEF Up Skill - -
Strike Guard Skill - -
HP Up Skill - -
En Garde Reaction - -
Safe Stroll Passive - -
TP Up Passive - -
Attack (Sovereign) Attack Strike Physical
Prevent Order Skill - -
Knighthood Skill - -
Ad Nihilo Skill Magic Magical
Attack Order Skill - -
Guard Order Skill - -
Rally Order Skill - -
Protect Order Skill - -
Protect Order+ Skill - -
Corruption: Malicious Lunge Skill Strike Physical
Mist Dance Skill Slash Physical
Fan Dance Skill Slash Physical
Blade Dance Skill Slash Physical
Attack Tango Skill - -
Guard Tango Skill - -
Energy Tango Skill - -
Flame Shot Skill Missile Physical
Refresh Waltz Skill - -
Burst Save Reaction - -
Fan Dance Passive - -
Attack (Gunner Shenmei) Attack Missile Physical
Arm Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Wildshot Skill Missile Physical
Medishot Skill - -
Ricochet Skill Missile Physical
Hiiragi Gear AS Item - -
Iceshot Skill Missile Physical
Thunder Shot Skill Missile Physical
(Freikugel Accessory) 3★ Item - -
Flame Shot Skill Missile Physical
Iceshot Skill Missile Physical
Thunder Shot Skill Missile Physical
Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Haltshot Reaction Missile Physical
Gun Mastery Passive - -