AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Mystic Summoning Skill - -
Push Out Skill Special Physical
Recover from Any Statuses Skill - -
Unit 1000HP Shield [1x] Skill - -
Area 1000HP Shield [1x] Skill - -
Global 1000HP Shield [1x] Skill - -
Unit Dmg Shield [3x] Skill - -
Unit Dmg Shield [1x] Skill - -
Area Dmg Shield [3x] Skill - -
Area Dmg Shield [1x] Skill - -
Global Dmg Shield [3x] Skill - -
Global Dmg Shield [1x] Skill - -
Unit MATK Shield [3x] Skill - -
Unit MATK Shield [1x] Skill - -
Area MATK Shield [3x] Skill - -
Area MATK Shield [1x] Skill - -
Global MATK Shield [3x] Skill - -
Global MATK Shield [1x] Skill - -
Unit PATK Shield [3x] Skill - -
Unit PATK Shield [1x] Skill - -
Area PATK Shield [3x] Skill - -
Area PATK Shield [1x] Skill - -
Global PATK Shield [3x] Skill - -
Global PATK Shield [1x] Skill - -
Drag It In Skill - Physical
PATK Shield [3x] Skill - -
Midair Summoning Method 4 Skill Jump Physical
Midair Summoning Method 3 Skill Jump Physical
Midair Summoning Method 2 Skill Jump Physical
Midair Summoning Method 1 Skill Jump Physical
Go Wild Reaction Strike Physical
Rampage Mode Passive - -
War Cry (Enhances allies & raises own Max HP) Skill - -
Magic Res Down Skill Special Magical
JUMP Res Down Skill Special Magical
Strike Res Down Skill Special Magical
Missile Down Skill Special Magical
Pierce Res Down Skill Special Magical
Slash Res Down Skill Special Magical
Attack Bind Skill Slash Physical
Silencing Venom Skill Slash Physical
Fatal Darkness Skill Magic Magical
Fatal Thunder Skill Magic Magical
Fatal Wind Skill Magic Magical
Fatal Ice Skill Magic Magical
Fatal Fire Skill Magic Magical
Restorative Evolution (Forced Stun for two turns) Reaction - -
Restorative Evolution (Forced Stun for two turns) Reaction - -
Restorative Evolution (Forced Stun for two turns) Reaction - -
Defiled Fang (Strong vs Statuses) Skill Slash -