AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
クーラ固有装備品 Item - -
クーラ固有ジョブ専用ジョブマスターボーナス Passive - -
蒼水の鼓動 Passive - -
蒼水の鼓動 Passive - -
Attack (Zechs) Attack Slash Physical
Fallen Light Pageant Skill Slash Physical
Thousand Light Pageant Skill Slash Physical
Blinding Speed Tragoidia Skill Slash Physical
War Blossom Etoile Skill Pierce Physical
Twinkling Light Anti-Theatre Skill Pierce Physical
Twinkling Gleam Anti-Theatre Skill Pierce Physical
Death Flash Finale Skill Special Physical
Atrocity Puppet Skill - -
Ring of Light Etude Skill Slash Physical
Mourning Hour Linoleum Skill - -
Lost Echoes Halation Reaction Slash Physical
Splendor Guignol Passive - -
Splendor Guignol Passive - -
Splendor Guignol Passive - -
Splendor Guignol Passive - -
Splendor Guignol Passive - -
Zechs Equipment Item - -
Zechs-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Light of Dawn's Art Passive - -
Light of Dawn's Art Passive - -
Normal Attack (Ugachi) Attack Slash Physical
Fire-Eater Hornet Skill Slash Physical
Crush Skill - Physical
Conflagration Edge Skill Slash Physical
[Peerless Sword of Black Star] Blazing Wolf Fang Skill Slash Physical
[Peerless Sword of Black Star] Guren Slash Skill Slash Physical
[Peerless Sword of Black Star] Purgatory End Skill Slash Physical
Desperate Heart Skill - -
Burning Blade Skill Slash Physical
Flame Viper Skill Slash Physical
Guren Flower Rite Reaction Slash Physical
Destructive Drive Passive - -
Raging Fire's Heartbeat Passive - -
Raging Fire's Heartbeat Passive - -
Ugachi Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Ugachi Equipment Item - -
Attack (Celis) Attack Slash Physical
Scarlet Thunderclap Skill Slash Physical
Scarlet Soul Salve Skill - -
Flame Breath Skill Magic Physical
Phoenix Wing Skill Slash Physical
Scarlet Thunder Twin-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Scarlet Thunder Warblade Skill Slash Physical
Falling Thunder Blade Skill Slash Physical
Electric Mist Skill Slash Physical