AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Iceball Brigade Skill Magic Magical
Blizzard Sword Brigade Skill Slash Magical
Ice Sword Brigade Skill Slash Magical
Ankh Adjustment Passive - -
Aswald Adjustment Passive - -
Shield of Equal Protection Skill - -
Equal Quicken for All Skill - -
Jewels Regeneration Passive - -
敵陣営のガッツ-100 Passive - -
Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Vigorous Kill Skill Slash Physical
Heretical Blast+ Skill - -
Soulless Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Tyrannical Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Fierce Tsubamegaeshi Reaction Slash Physical
Shadow Remnants Skill - -
CT Boost Skill - -
Summon Toad Flow Skill Magic Physical
Summon Python Storm Skill Magic Physical
Windmill Shuriken Skill Missile Physical
Lightning Shuriken Skill Missile Physical
Energy Absorb Reaction - Physical
Dark Crow Skill Slash Physical
Air Surge Skill Slash Physical
20 Kills! Skill - -
Soul Slicer Skill Slash Physical
Stance of the Runner+ Reaction - -
Cross Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Cross Blast Skill Magic Magical
Mega Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Mega Blast Skill Magic Magical
Counter Magic++ Reaction Magic Magical
Deadly Invitation Skill - -
Overclock Skill - -
High Counter Delay Reaction - -
Quarter Raid Skill Missile Physical
Saturation Skill Missile Physical
Fully Healed with Faith Skill - -
Seti Bullet Skill Missile Physical
Piercing Assault+ Skill Missile Physical
Accelerated Shot+ Skill Missile Physical
30 Kills! Skill - -
Counter Shot+ Reaction Missile Physical
Bullet Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Long Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Bad Ending Shot Skill Missile Physical
Counter Snipe+ Reaction Missile Physical
クロックアップ無効化 Passive - -
弐千夜墜 Skill Jump Physical
弐千日の夜 Skill Pierce Physical