AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Crossing Zone Skill - -
Crossing Zone Skill - -
Crossing Zone Skill - -
Crossing Zone Skill - -
Crossing Zone Skill - -
Crossing Zone Skill - -
Crossing Zone Skill - -
Crossing Zone Skill - -
[Normal ATK] AJ6000 Knock Attack Strike Physical
Knock Blast Skill Strike Physical
Paralyze Blast Skill Strike Physical
Petrifying Blast (Curse) Skill Strike Physical
Cool Up [Raises Water Res for three turns - Stackable] Reaction - -
Poison Rain+ Skill Missile Physical
Stone Rain+ Skill Missile Physical
Pierce Res Up Reaction - -
Delaying Rain+ Skill Missile Physical
Paralyzing Rain+ Skill Missile Physical
Slash Res Up Reaction - -
Pierce Res Up Reaction - -
Strike Res Up Reaction - -
Missile Res Up Reaction - -
Magic Res Up Reaction - -
Slash Res Up Reaction - -
Magic Res Up Reaction - -
Dark Res Down Skill - -
Absolute Aegis Skill - -
Weaken Skill - -
Queen's Breath Skill Magic Magical
Zero Operation Skill - -
Meteor Light+ Skill Magic Magical
Silence Reaction Reaction Magic Magical
Roundhouse Kick Skill Slash Physical
Pulsating Wing Strike Skill Slash Physical
Counter Splash Reaction - -
Anchor Spear Skill Pierce Physical
Quicken (All) Skill - -
Venom Splash Skill - -
Paralyze Splash Skill - -
Petro Splash Skill - -
Slumber Splash Skill - -
Vitality Absorption Skill Magic Magical
Umbral Strike+ Skill Strike Physical
Vitality Drain Reaction Magic Magical
Petite Laser Skill Magic Magical
Laser Skill Magic Magical
Photon Laser Skill Magic Magical
Satellite Laser Skill Magic Magical
Water Barrier Skill - -
Phys Barrier (All: three turns) Skill - -