AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Vertical Claw Skill Jump Physical
Vertical Claw II Skill Jump Physical
Cutting Quills Reaction Special Physical
Rapid Sway Reaction Special Physical
Cutting Quills [Counters everything other than Missile] Reaction Special Physical
Rapid Sway Jump Reaction Special Physical
[Normal ATK] Waginau Attack Magic Magical
[Shadow Arts] Moment of Sunset Skill Magic Magical
[Sun Arts] Moment of Daybreak Skill Magic Magical
Memento Mori Skill Magic Magical
Inescapable Darkness Skill Magic Magical
Ability for PotK 3EX2 Gimmick Passive - -
Horrid Conclusion Skill Magic Magical
Life Illumination Skill - -
Dark Pressure Wave Skill Strike Physical
Sweep Attack Slash Physical
Sword of Darkness Skill Slash Physical
Sword of Poison Skill Slash Physical
Speed Crush (Temp) Skill Slash Physical
Sword of Weakness Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Physical Absorber Skill Special Physical
Guts Counter Reaction Special Physical
Sword of Darkness Skill Slash Physical
Sword of Poison Skill Slash Physical
Speed Crush Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Weal and Woe Reaction - -
Cunning Sight Reaction - -
Silhouette Mirage Passive - -
Phys Dmg halved until 3 attacks are received Skill - -
Shadow Excelsior Skill - -
Shadow Excelsior Skill - -
Sword of Wisdom Skill Slash Physical
Blade of Wisdom Skill Slash Physical
Bow of Wisdom Skill Missile Physical
Blaze of Wisdom Skill Magic Magical
Water of Wisdom Skill Magic Magical
Wind of Wisdom Skill Magic Magical
Thunder of Wisdom Skill Magic Magical
Bullet of Wisdom Skill Missile Physical
Magical Spring of Wisdom (Blaze) Skill Magic Magical
Magical Spring of Wisdom (Water) Skill Magic Magical
Seniteika Skill Strike Physical
Magical Spring of Wisdom (Wind) Skill Magic Magical
Magical Spring of Wisdom (Thunder) Skill Magic Magical
Magic Shield of Wisdom Reaction - -
Physical Shield of Wisdom Reaction - -
Magic Shield of Wisdom (Enhanced) Reaction - -