AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Neica Power Passive - -
Electrifying! Passive - -
Rise of the Genius Passive - -
Majestic Return Passive - -
Number One Mecha Lance Passive - -
Heat Control Passive - -
Solitary Demonic Killer Passive - -
High-Elf Dignity Passive - -
Full Power Clean Up Passive - -
Curious Rush Passive - -
Clear Skies Passive - -
Consecrated Loyalty Passive - -
Mandra-Weather Passive - -
Divine Creation Passive - -
A Faithful Muzzle Passive - -
Resolute Spear Passive - -
Dark Cross Skill Magic Magical
Bonding with Tigferes Passive - -
Mermaid Smile Passive - -
Sparkly Creation Passive - -
Magic Completed by Oneself Passive - -
Light of Hades Passive - -
Night Fox Salvation Passive - -
Glow of the Hourglass Passive - -
Energetic Smile Passive - -
Secrets of the Tiger-King Fist Passive - -
Little Sage's Innovations Passive - -
Critique of the Secluded Passive - -
Final Burst Skill Slash Physical
Canty Demon's Day Passive - -
Origin of the Strongest Passive - -
Signaling Shot of Trust Passive - -
Jack-in-the-box Reaction Missile Physical
Fair Tamer Passive - -
Dream-Chasing Dealer Passive - -
Prism Flower Skill Missile Physical
Making Her Smile Passive - -
Ruinmaker's Crimson Trail Passive - -
Immutable Order Passive - -
Path of Mercy Passive - -
Share Happiness Passive - -
Blood of Steel Passive - -
Dissection of Truth Passive - -
Acute Thrust Skill Pierce Physical
Last Blizzard Skill Slash Physical
Shock to Kill Skill Slash Physical
Killing Gear Passive - -
I'll Do This Alone! Skill Slash Physical
Demon Summoning Skill Slash Physical
Demonic Awakening Skill - -