AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
The Second Princess's Duty Passive - -
Melty Job Master Passive - -
Melty Equipment Item - -
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Attack (Filo) Attack Strike Magical
High Quick Skill Strike Magical
Filolial Storm Skill Magic Magical
Filolial Gale Skill Magic Magical
Blast Scratch Skill Strike Magical
Filolial Rush Skill Strike Magical
Zweite Tornado Skill Magic Magical
Filolial Attack Skill Strike Magical
Attack Rise Skill - -
Clock Rise Reaction - -
Bird God Rush Passive - -
Filo Equipment Item - -
Filo-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Art Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Art Passive - -
Attack (Rochelle) Attack Slash Physical
Intimidating Stance Skill - -
Flaming Carpenter Bee Skill Pierce Physical
Fiery Claw Monotone Skill Slash Physical
Crimson Claw Monotone Skill Slash Physical
Reversal Claw Skill Slash Physical
Firing Monochrome Skill Slash Physical
Flaming Monochrome Skill Slash Physical
Demon Bear's Blood Skill - -
Central Flame Breaker Skill Strike Physical
Bruin Claw Skill Slash Physical
Dual Counter Reaction - -
Black and White Oath Passive - -
Rachel Job Master Passive - -
Rachel Equipment Item - -
Raging Fire's Heartbeat Passive - -
Raging Fire's Heartbeat Passive - -
Attack (CANO_LORD) Attack Slash Physical
Dragon of Light Double Strike Skill Slash Physical
Shining Wall Skill - -
In the Name of Absolute Justice Skill - -
Eternal Nova Skill Slash Physical
Trinity Slash Skill Slash Physical
Trinity Thesis Skill Slash Physical
Radiant Conviction Skill - -
Flashing Referee Skill Slash Physical
Knight of Avalon Skill - -
Dragon's Flight Skill Slash Physical