AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Put 'em all together and what do you get? LOINCLOTH! Skill - -
Put 'em all together and what do you get? LOINCLOTH! Skill - -
Put 'em all together and what do you get? LOINCLOTH! Skill - -
Put 'em all together and what do you get? LOINCLOTH! Skill - -
You Survived! Here's Your Reward! Skill - -
Nngh! Skill - -
Rrraaaaaah! Skill - -
Rrraaaaaah! Skill - -
Hrraaaaaagh! Skill - -
Gaaaaaah! Skill Missile Physical
Cryptic Breath Passive - -
Cryptic Pulse Passive - -
Cryptic Pulse Passive - -
Max Jewels +5% Passive - -
Cryptic Advantage Passive - -
For Whom the Pearls Passive - -
For Whom the Pearls Passive - -
For Whom the Pearls Passive - -
PATK +5% Passive - -
Cryptic Worship Passive - -
Stabber's Boon Passive - -
Cryptic Worship Passive - -
Blademaster's Ambition Passive - -
Mysterious Strongguard Passive - -
Mysterious Strongguard Passive - -
Mysterious Strongguard Passive - -
Saint's Protection Passive - -
MATK +5% Passive - -
Fragment of Wisdom Passive - -
Cryptic Trance Passive - -
MDEF +5% Passive - -
Cryptic Guardian Passive - -
DEX +5% Passive - -
Splendid Watercolor Slash Skill Slash Physical
Mobius 43F for Sol Passive - -
Mobius Fl43 For Zwei Passive - -
Mobius Fl43 For Neun Passive - -
Mobius Fl43 For Moa Passive - -
Mobius 43F for Zain Passive - -
Max HP -120000 Passive - -
Mobius Fl43 For Emmel Passive - -
Mobius Fl43 For Kevin Passive - -
Mobius 43F for Yauras Passive - -
フォールド・ブロック Skill - -
報復切裂 Reaction Slash Physical
エネルギー転換装甲 Reaction - -
【通常攻撃】巨大バジュラ Attack Slash Physical
二連切裂 Skill Slash Physical
重量子反応光射 Skill Missile Physical
拡散重量子反応光射 Skill Missile Physical