AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Sorcerer's Boon Passive - -
Sorcerer's Fervor Passive - -
Sorcerer's Fervor Passive - -
Sorcerer's Fervor Passive - -
Sorcerer's Fervor Passive - -
Sorcerer's Trance Passive - -
Sorceress' Curiosity Passive - -
Sorcery "Disable Heal" Skill - -
Sorcery Pair Passive - -
Sore Loser Passive - -
Sorry! Skill - -
Sortograph Reaction - -
Sosenko Successor Passive - -
Soul Contract "Ethereal" Skill - -
Soul Contract "Ethereal" Skill - -
Soul Cover Immaterial Reaction - -
Soul Cover Immaterial Reaction - -
Soul Cry "Latyr" Reaction - -
Soul Degeneration Skill Slash Physical
Soul Degeneration+ Skill Slash Physical
Soul Devour Skill Slash Physical
Soul Devouring Skill Magic Magical
Soul Devouring Blade Skill Slash Physical
Soul Eater Shield Reaction Special Physical
Soul Eating Skill Magic Magical
Soul Metastasis Skill - -
Soul Phantom Exchange Skill - -
Soul Reaper Skill Slash Physical
Soul Reaper Skill Slash Physical
Soul Rebellion Reaction Strike Physical
Soul Recovery Passive - -
Soul Reflection - Klarus Skill - -
Soul Rejection Skill - -
Soul Rejection Skill - -
Soul Rejection Skill - -
Soul Rejection Skill - -
Soul Rejection [+] Additional - Physical
Soul Rejection [Cross] Additional - Physical
Soul Rejection [Diamond] Additional - Physical
Soul Rejection [Square] Additional - Physical
Soul Sacrifice Skill Slash Physical
Soul Sacrifice Skill Slash Physical
Soul Sacrifice Skill Slash Physical
Soul Sacrifice Skill Slash Physical
Soul Sacrifice (Based on MATK) Skill Slash Magical
Soul Sacrifice (Crush) Skill Slash Physical
Soul Sacrifice (Healing Down) Skill Slash Physical
Soul Sacrifice (Quicken) Skill Slash Physical
Soul Sacrifice (Quicken) Skill Slash Physical
Soul Sacrifice (Quicken) Skill Slash Physical