AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Guard Droid α, β Standby Skill - -
Guard Droid α, β Maneuver Skill - -
Guard Crush+ Skill Slash Physical
Guard Crush Skill Slash Physical
Guard Boost Passive - -
Guard Blow Skill - Physical
Guard Reaction - -
Gruesome End Magia Skill Magic Magical
Grudge Wielding [More dead units -> more Dmg] Skill - Physical
Grudge Wielding [More dead units -> more Dmg] Skill - Physical
Grudge Blade (Based on MDEF) Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade Skill Slash Physical
Grraaaaaaahh!!! Skill - -
Grr... Skill - -
Grr... Skill - -
Growl Skill Slash Physical
Growing Kinship Passive - -
Group 3 Members' Area Res Up LS Passive - -
Group 2 Members' Area Res Up LS Passive - -
Group 1 Members' Area Res Up LS Passive - -
Groundwork - Avert Skill - -
Groundswell Skill Strike Physical
Grounding Rend Skill Slash Physical
Ground-Rupturing Blow Skill - Physical
Ground-Rupturing Blow Skill - Physical
Ground Gladius Skill Slash Physical
Grossly Incandescent Passive - -
Gross Beil Reaction - -
Grooming Skill - -
Grooming Skill - -
Groom's Pledge Skill - -
Groom's Pledge Skill - -
Groaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Skill Special Physical
Grit of the Bridegroom Passive - -
Grinning Skull Item - -
Grin and Bear It Skill - -
Grimoire of Eternal Darkness Item - -
Grimm I Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Grimm I Basic Attack Attack Missile Physical
Grenade+ Skill Missile Physical
Grenade+ Skill Missile Physical
Grenade - Zero Skill Missile Physical