AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Slime Dash Skill Strike Physical
Slime Resistance Reaction - -
Slime Slam Skill Strike Physical
Sling Horn <br> Skill Pierce Physical
Slip-Strike Blade Skill Slash Physical
Slippery Floor Passive - -
Sloth's Boon Passive - -
Sloth's Boon Passive - -
Sloth's Breath Passive - -
Sloth's Concavity Passive - -
Sloth's Hammer Skill Strike Physical
Sloth's Heartbeat Passive - -
Sloth's Heartbeat Passive - -
Sloth's Heartbeat Passive - -
Sloth's Interlude Passive - -
Sloth's Invitation Skill Magic Magical
Sloth's Judgment Skill Missile Physical
Sloth's Stance Skill - -
Sloth's Trance Passive - -
Slothstein - Piercing Bullet Passive - -
Slothstein High Magic Passive - -
Slothstein Water Wall Passive - -
Slothstein's Abundance Passive - -
Slothstein's Dark Essence Passive - -
Slothstein's Efficiency Passive - -
Slothstein's Ember Passive - -
Slothstein's Expertise Passive - -
Slothstein's Firepower Passive - -
Slothstein's Flameproof Cloak Passive - -
Slothstein's Inferno Passive - -
Slothstein's Rigidness Passive - -
Slothstein's Rigidness Passive - -
Slothstein's Rigidness Passive - -
Slothstein's Vitality Passive - -
Slothstein's Vitality Passive - -
Slothstein's Wind Vane Passive - -
Slothstein's Windbreaker Passive - -
Slothstein's Wisdom Passive - -
Slow Skill - -
Slow Blow Skill Missile Physical
Slow Laser (Strong vs Statuses) Skill Magic Magical
Slow Pheromone Skill - -
Slow Shot Skill Missile Physical
Slow ☆ Close ☆ Squeak Reaction Special Physical
Slow ☆ Close ☆ Squeak Reaction Special Physical
Slow ☆ Knock ☆ Squeak Reaction Special Physical
Slowing Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Slowing Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Slowing Rain Skill Missile Physical
Slowing Rain Skill Missile Physical