AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Heavenly Thunder Skill Special Physical
Heavenly Strike Passive - -
Heavenly Strike Passive - -
Heavenly Storm Skill Special Physical
Heavenly Rouge Harpy Skill - -
Heavenly Ring Overload Skill - -
Heavenly Palace Beast Skill - -
Heavenly Palace Beast Skill - -
Heavenly Palace Beast Skill - -
Heavenly Melusine Skill - -
Heavenly Judgment Circulus Skill - -
Heavenly Judgment Circulus Skill - -
Heavenly Flame Skill Magic Magical
Heavenly Eye's Destructive Light Skill Slash Physical
Heavenly Eye's Destructive Light Skill Slash Physical
Heavenly Blaze Skill Special Physical
Heaven-Piercing Spirit Passive - -
Heaven's Raid Skill Missile Physical
Heaven's Race Skill - -
Heaven's Race Skill - -
Heaven's Race Skill - -
Heaven's Race Skill - -
Heaven's Infinite Race Skill - -
Heaven's Infinite Race Skill - -
Heaven's Infinite Race Skill - -
Heaven's Infinite Race Skill - -
Heaven's Infinite Race Skill - -
Heaven's Grace for the Great Tree Passive - -
Heaven's Grace Skill - -
Heaven's Furious Judgment [Dark Style] Skill Slash Physical
Heated Sword-Draw Skill Slash Physical
Heated Skirmish Sports Festival Passive - -
Heated Blade Skill Slash Physical
Heated Affection Passive - -
Heat-Resistant Safety Boots Item - -
Heat Wave Skill Magic Magical
Heat Wave Skill Magic Magical
Heat Up [2-Turn Enhance - Stackable] Reaction - -
Heat Haze Passive - -
Heat Control Passive - -
Heartwarming Light Passive - -
Hearts Near and Far Passive - -
Heartless Inquisitor Passive - -
Heartbreaking Evisceration Skill Slash Physical
Heartbreaking Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Heartbreaking Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Heartbreak Shot Skill Strike Physical
Heartbreak Impact Skill Missile Physical
Heartbreak Impact Skill Missile Physical
Heartbeat of the Historias Passive - -