AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
スクカジャ Skill - -
Last Scream Skill - -
挑発 Skill - -
気合い Skill - -
石化針 Skill Pierce Physical
猛反撃 Reaction Pierce Physical
英雄の信念 Reaction - -
魔力無効 Passive - -
カリスマ Passive - -
Godwolf Arrow Skill Special Physical
Flame Spore Skill Magic Magical
衝撃反射 Skill - -
英雄の意地 Passive - -
クーフーリンジョブマスター Passive - -
クーフーリン装備品 Item - -
翠風の鼓動 Passive - -
Incidental Energy Skill - -
翠風の鼓動 Passive - -
攻撃スキル(ケルベロス) Attack Strike Physical
石化かみつき Skill Strike Physical
フォッグブレス Skill - -
アイアンクロウ Skill Strike Physical
暴れまくり Skill Strike Physical
地獄の番犬 Passive - -
冥界破 Skill Strike Physical
クロスアイ Skill - -
マヒ針 Skill Pierce Physical
毒ガスブレス Skill Special Physical
バインドボイス Skill - -
猛反撃 Reaction Strike Physical
魔獣の雄叫び Reaction - -
Innocent Prayer Skill - -
Pure Worship Skill - -
Purifying Wings Skill - -
Uncorrupted Sight Reaction - -
Seed of Corruption Skill - -
Runaway Corruption Passive - -
Runaway Corruption Passive - -
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Benika Equipment Item - -
Benika Job Master Passive - -
Attack (Kubera) Attack Slash Physical
Lone Rider's Flash Skill Slash Physical
Peerless Storm Skill Slash Physical
Scarlet Flame Darkblade Passive - -
Brutal Tactics Skill Slash Physical
Whole Heart and Soul Skill Slash Physical
Holy Heart and Soul Skill Slash Physical
Whole Heart and Soul Skill Slash Physical