AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Hour of Revolution Passive - -
Hound Shot Skill Missile Physical
Hot Air Passive - -
Hostile Drop Skill Strike Physical
Hostile Drop Skill Strike Physical
Hostile Drop Skill Strike Physical
Hostile Drop Skill Strike Physical
Hospitality and Support Passive - -
Horus Burst Skill Missile Magical
Horseback Cadanova Token Item - -
Horseback Cadanova Token Item - -
Horseback Cadanova Master Bonus Passive - -
Horrid Conclusion Skill Magic Magical
Horrid Blossom Skill Slash Physical
Hornet Skill Slash Physical
Hornet Skill Slash Physical
Hornet Skill Slash Physical
Horizontal Ceaseless Blade Skill Pierce Physical
Horizontal Alma Shoot Skill - -
Hoping for Smiles Passive - -
Hoping for Freedom Skill - -
Hopes for the Pair's Daily Lives Passive - -
Hopefully Sunny Tomorrow Passive - -
Hopeful Word Skill - -
Hopeful Word Skill - -
Hopeful Curse - Ideal Passive - -
Hopeful Curse - Ideal Passive - -
Hopeful Attacker Passive - -
Hope to Live Skill - -
Hope for Blue Skies Skill - -
Hope for Alms from the Sun Passive - -
Hope Etched in Snow Passive - -
Hooded enemies invade… Skill Magic Magical
Honor of the Flame Dragon King Passive - -
Honor of the Flame Dragon King Passive - -
Honor of the Blue Flame Passive - -
Honey Trap Passive - -
Honed Blade Passive - -
Homunculus Vessel Passive - -
Homunculus Cry Passive - -
Homing Shot Wear Molybdan Skill - -
Homing Shot Wear Molybdan Skill - -
Homing Shot Wear Molybdan Skill - -
Homing Shot Wear Molybdan Skill - -
Homing Shot Wear Molybdan Skill - -
Homing Shot Wear Molybdan Skill - -
Homeric Hymn Skill - -
Homemade and Improved Protein Skill - -
Homely Tea Set Item - -
Home Sweet Home Passive - -