AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Power Overwhelming Passive - -
Power Powder Item - -
Power Reigns Supreme Passive - -
Power Removal Skill Magic Magical
Power Removal Skill Missile Physical
Power Snatch Skill Magic Magical
Power Source Lost Skill - -
Power Stance Skill - -
Power Up Passive - -
Power from Pain Passive - -
Power in Peril Skill - -
Power in Peril Skill - -
Power in Peril Skill - -
Power in Peril Skill - -
Power in Peril Skill - -
Power in Peril Skill - -
Power of Dark Dragon Passive - -
Power of Foresight Skill - -
Power of Immortality Skill - -
Power of Yggdrasil Passive - -
Power of the Airborne Division Passive - -
Power to Change the Sad World Passive - -
Power to Heal All Ills Passive - -
Power to Protect the Future Passive - -
Power to Protect the Loving World Passive - -
Powered Stance Unguarded Skill - -
Powered Stance Unguarded Reaction - -
Powerful Flame Wave Skill Magic Magical
Powerful Flame Wave Skill Magic Magical
Powerful Flame Wave Skill Magic Magical
Powerful Flame Wave Skill Magic Magical
Powerful Flame Wave Skill Magic Magical
Powerful Glacier Skill Magic Magical
Powerful Inferno Skill Strike Physical
Powerful Rubble Skill Strike Physical
Powerful Ruins Skill Strike Physical
Powerful Stone Skill Strike Physical
Powerful Waxing Moon Skill - -
Prairie Breeze Skill - -
Prairie's Boon Passive - -
Prairie's Boon Passive - -
Prairie's Fervor Passive - -
Prairie's Fervor Passive - -
Prairie's Formation Passive - -
Prairie's Formation Passive - -
Prairie's Formation Passive - -
Pray Skill - -
Prayer Crane Item - -
Prayer Pouch Item - -
Prayer for Abundance Skill - -