AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Attack (Mesarthim) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Mikasa) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Milim) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Minario) Attack Missile Physical
Attack (Minerva) Attack Pierce Physical
Attack (Minotaur) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Mira) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Mobile Knight CC) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Mobile Knight) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Mocca) Attack Pierce Physical
Attack (Mocca) Attack Pierce Physical
Attack (Morrigan) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (NEC) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (NIN) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Na Zhu) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Naofumi) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Natsume) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Nefertiti) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Nero) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Netherworld Mage) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Netherworld Samurai) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Netherworld Thief) Attack Missile Physical
Attack (Neun Job) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Neville) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Nicaea) Attack Pierce Physical
Attack (Nimul Transformed) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Nimul) Attack Missile Physical
Attack (Nimul-Only Job) Attack Missile Physical
Attack (Nimul-Only Job) Attack Missile Physical
Attack (Nyx) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (ODO) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (OTHIMA01_DARK) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (OTHI_WIZ) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Orion) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Ouroboros Legacy) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Overlord Vassal) Attack Pierce Physical
Attack (Overlord) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (PRI) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Post-Transformation Acht) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Post-Transformation Claybelle) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Post-Transformation Claybelle) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Post-Transformation Kaede) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Post-Transformation Morrigan) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Post-Transformation Schmeier) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Post-Transformation Zafeiris) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Post-Transformation Zafeiris) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Post-Transformation Zwei) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (Pride) Attack Pierce Physical
Attack (Primeval Dragon Core Earth) Attack Magic Magical
Attack (Primeval Dragon Core Fire) Attack Magic Magical