AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
High Jump Lv4 Skill Jump Physical
High Jump Lv5 Skill Jump Physical
Cross Burst Skill Jump Physical
Meteor Burst Skill Jump Physical
Dragon Breath Skill - Physical
Magic Forbidding Spear Skill Pierce Physical
Magic Annihilation Spear Skill Pierce Physical
Dragon Slayer Skill Pierce Physical
Grand Cross Skill Pierce Physical
Thousand Nights Skill Pierce Physical
Thousand Nights of Ice Skill Pierce Physical
Descent of 1000 Nights Skill Jump Physical
La Raison D'etre Skill Pierce Physical
Blade Typhoon Skill Slash Physical
High Raison D'etre Skill Pierce Physical
Dogma Strike Skill Jump Physical
Noble Voltage Skill - -
HP Drain+2 Reaction - -
HP Absorb+3 Reaction - -
Garuda Charge Reaction - -
Vritra Charge Reaction - -
Venom Strike Skill Strike Physical
Sky High Passive - -
Vritra Cross Skill Jump Physical
Vritra Leap Skill Jump Physical
Vritra Strike Skill Jump Physical
Vritra Cross Skill Jump Physical
Vritra Leap Skill Jump Physical
Vritra Strike Skill Jump Physical
Dragon Charge Skill - -
Sky High Passive - -
Garuda Cross Skill Jump Physical
Garuda Leap Skill Jump Physical
Garuda Strike Skill Jump Physical
Garuda Cross Skill Jump Physical
Garuda Leap Skill Jump Physical
Garuda Strike Skill Jump Physical
Dragon Charge Skill - -
Sky High Passive - -
Rudra Break Skill Pierce Physical
Rudra Cross Skill Pierce Physical
Rudra Crisscross Skill Pierce Physical
Rudra Cure Skill - -
Blossom of Dawn Skill - -
Attack (SAM) Attack Slash Physical
Ogre Slayer Skill Slash Physical
Saint Slayer Skill Slash Physical
Armor Shredder Skill Slash Physical
Spell Shredder Skill Slash Physical
Starfall Blade Skill Slash Physical