AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Unshakeable Determination Passive - -
Almace Job Master Passive - -
Attack (ZAYI01_DARK) Attack Slash Physical
Abyss Blade Skill Slash Physical
Desperia Hazard Skill Slash Physical
Sol Accessory 3-4★ Item - -
Sol Accessory 5★ Item - -
Vanity Break Skill Slash Physical
Pride Break Skill Slash Physical
Shining Hellfire Skill Slash Magical
Shining Inferno Skill Slash Magical
Noir Nova Skill Slash Physical
Continental Undertaker Skill - -
Embrace of the Empty Sky Skill - -
Lumen Jail Skill Slash Physical
Venom Blast Skill Slash Magical
Determined Misfortune Reaction - Physical
Holy Sword of Nothingness Passive - -
Power of Dark Dragon Passive - -
Breeze of Pride Skill - -
Attack (SET01_DARK) Attack Slash Physical
Zahar Greatsword 3-4★ Item - -
Gone With The Wind Skill - -
Formless Dreams Skill - -
Destitution Blade Skill Slash Physical
Lightless Blast Skill - -
Lightless Blast Skill - -
Dark Road Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Dark Road Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Dark Secret Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Dark Secret Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Distant Blade - Razor's Determination Skill Slash Physical
War-Demon Decimation Skill Slash Physical
Free From Thought Skill - -
Darkness Eclipse Skill Slash Physical
Empty-Handed Counter Reaction Slash Physical
Empty-Handed Counter Reaction Slash Physical
Envious Saber - Regal Garuda Blade Passive - -
Out of Print - The Book of Five Rings Passive - -
Normal Attack (Kasumi) Attack Magic Magical
Warm Sympathy Skill - -
Somber Sympathy Skill - -
For A Friend Skill - -
Amplified Light Skill - -
Accidental Bombing (Area: Cross (3), Height Range: 2 around self) Reaction - -
Desire In My Heart Skill - -
Hoping for Freedom Skill - -
Empathetic Touch Skill - -
Flappy's Help Skill - -
Whispers of the Herbs Skill - -