AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Wall of Blades Skill Slash Physical
Frozen Phantasm Skill Magic Magical
Cruel Gelid Storm Skill Magic Magical
Farewells Passive - -
Memento Buff Passive - -
Intertwined Fate Passive - -
Glacial Siblings Passive - -
Alchemia Master Passive - -
Ready to Slay Skill - -
Cruel Gelid Storm Skill Magic Magical
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Aetherfrost Staff Item - -
Lyophilize Skill Magic Magical
Volatile Presence Passive - -
Attack (Bloodreaver) Attack Slash Physical
Violent Slash Skill Slash Physical
Crimson Harvest Skill Slash Physical
Relentless Reaper Skill Slash Physical
Rising Bloodlust Skill - -
Efreet Sword Skill Slash Magical
Predatory Leap Skill - -
Scarlet Whirlwind Skill Slash Physical
Berith Item - -
Instinctive Lash Reaction Slash Physical
Red Thirst Passive - -
Power from Pain Passive - -
Bloodreaver Job Master Passive - -
Control Harness Item - -
Atlas Counter Reaction - Physical
Unleash Carnage Skill Slash Physical
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
A Slumbering Beast Passive - -
Memento Buff Passive - -
Vital Flow Passive - -
Rush of Aggression Passive - -
Scarlet Reaper Passive - -
Gate of Envy Passive - -
Predatory Instinct Skill - -
Predatory Instinct Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Adrenal Surge Passive - -
Feathery Toy Item - -
Volatile Presence Passive - -
[Red VI] Gate of Envy Passive - -
[Red VI] Gate of Sloth Passive - -
[Red VI] Gate of Lust Passive - -
[Red VI] Gate of Gluttony Passive - -
[Red VI] Gate of Wrath Passive - -