AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Whispers of the Darkness Within Passive - -
Rule Keeper Passive - -
Unicorn Code Passive - -
Beguiling Feint Passive - -
Founder of the Tiger-King Fist Passive - -
Worshipped Merchant Passive - -
Trusty Smile Passive - -
Mystical Dice Passive - -
Herbal Way Passive - -
Mysterious Eyes Passive - -
Stardust Lover Passive - -
Silver Spoon Trick Passive - -
Creepy Medic Passive - -
Gumption Passive - -
Jack of All Trades Passive - -
Just Peacekeeper Passive - -
Shayna Stalk Passive - -
Hatter Gunner Passive - -
Love Shot Passive - -
Budding Life Passive - -
Strong, Proud, Beautiful Passive - -
Chummy Muncle Passive - -
Mistaken Teachings Passive - -
Heated Affection Passive - -
Directly Overpowering Passive - -
Heaven-Piercing Spirit Passive - -
Obsession Without Compromise Passive - -
Stern March Passive - -
Feelings of Loyalty Passive - -
Murderer of Sloth Passive - -
Prosecutors of Lust Passive - -
Thirst for a Promise Passive - -
Dark Laughter Passive - -
Absolute Normalcy Passive - -
Order to Faith Passive - -
Enforcer of Wrath Passive - -
Troublemaker Passive - -
Stealthy Elf Passive - -
Pilgrim of Envy Passive - -
Revered Prayer Passive - -
Destroyer of Greed Passive - -
The Will to Succor Passive - -
Wolf Boy Passive - -
Flawless Falconer Passive - -
Nature's Weapons Dealer Passive - -
Empress Passive - -
Tough Tanuki Passive - -
General of Greed Passive - -
Weather Meister Passive - -
Humming Diva Passive - -